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Weekly Plan - Poems to Perform, Year 3

Year Group

Year 3


Learning Objectives for the unit:

Speaking and Listening:

1. Speaking - Choose and prepare poems or stories for performance, identifying appropriate expression, tone, volume and use of voices and other sounds
4. Drama Identify and discuss qualities of others' performances, including gesture, action, expression.

Reading and Writing:

6. Word structure and spelling: Spell high and medium frequency words;
7. understanding & interpreting texts: Explore how different texts appeal to readers using varied sentence structures and descriptive language;
8. Engaging & responding to texts: Identify features that writers use to provoke readers' reactions

Guided Reading:

Comprehension work, continuing work on English Reading and Writing targets

Unit outcomes including cross curricular links: PSHCE:

Working in pairs and in groups, performing confidently in front of others, giving evaluative and constructive feedback to others.


Use of IWB to read and annotate poems (eg rhyming words, vocabulary).


Shared Work

Independent Tasks


Support - Must

Core - Should

Extend - Could





To perform a poem in different ways.

Warm up: Missing letters (HFWs);
Main: Perform a selection of poems in a variety of ways – straight, expressive, rap, chant, sing – discuss.

Ch work in mixed ability pairs to read a poem then discuss how best to perform it. Stop after five minutes for some volunteers to perform, then ask pairs to choose another poem to work on. Have another mini-plenary for Teacher to demonstrate another performance, and give ch time to perform one of their poems in a different way.

Identify and discuss qualities of others' performances, including gesture, action and expression.





To perform a poem in a group.

Warm-up: Finish the simile (eg as smooth as ___) on IWB;
Main: As a class build up a performance of ‘The Register’ from shared reading to giving out ‘parts’ and performing.

Teacher: read some simple poems (OUP) as a group and develop performances.

2c/2b: Develop a group performance of ‘When Brian eats his breakfast’

Develop a group performance of ‘Biscuit Girl’

Longer plenary session: groups to perform their poems, then Shared Reading of poems on IWB – develop expression.

Develop a group performance of ‘The Banana Family’

Develop a group performance of ‘Ham, Egg and Chips’





WALT: Choose our favourite poems, explaining our choices.

WILF: Good explanations and presentations.

Warm-up: Quickwrite (mixed ab pairs) on mini-whiteboards ch spell give words including certain spelling patterns;

Main: Perform ‘Roses are red, spiders are black’, ‘I eat my peas with honey’ and others suggested by the ch in different ways. Which do they particularly enjoy? Why?

Ch to sort through some selected poems to find their favourites then complete prepared sheet with titles already on.

Finished? Highlight rhyming words on examples.

Demonstrate how to present their work.

Mixed pairs look through a range of anthologies and copies of poems available, and refer to titles of class favourites listed during shared work. Ask them to begin to sort the poems – funny poems, raps, chants etc. Complete work in books, copying titles from board, working on presentation skills:

Date, WALT, Poem Title, Poet, Type of poem, Interesting Words, Anything else.

Which five poems would definitely make it into a class anthology:? What type of poems is the most popular?





WALT: Choose our favourite poems, explaining our choices.

WILF: Good explanations and presentations.

Warm-up: Quickwrite (mixed ab pairs) on mini-whiteboards ch spell give words including certain spelling patterns;

Main: Develop performances of the class’ favourite poems together then introduce activities, focusing on presentation / handwriting.

Adults to support children who experience difficulties with letter-formation, presentation and organising work on the page.

Give ch ‘My Favourite Poem to Perform’ sheet and ask them to write up their favourite poem as a high quality final draft.

Then ch complete an evaluation sheet on this week’s poetry unit.

Recap the whole unit on poetry – what do ch feel they learned?, enjoyed?, got better

Enjoy performing the class’ favourite poems.


Visit www.poemsbeansandchips.co.uk to extend poetry work (eg author/illustrator bios), read enlarged versions of author’s and children’s poems and set homework of submitting a poem to submissions@poemsbeansandchips.co.uk.

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